So, heavy sigh, another year is coming to a close. We look back and think about all that happened to us and the people we love in the last 12 months. I guess that is the price that we pay for being human in the 21st century. The media makes it seem that if we don't have that sense of introspection then we are somehow lacking an integral part of what it takes to make us human. So we look back.
Lots happened in the last year. I lost my job and retired. I made lemonade of lemons. It was something I wanted and am ever grateful to the powers that be that allowed it to happen. I remember years ago there was a lovely woman I worked with who retired from Royal. She had worked there for years and was making plans for travel and spending time with grandchildren that she had far too little time with and after being retired a short three months she died of a heart attack. I didn't want that to be me. Ergo...lemonade.
I was also a bit cowardly this year. We had a big shindig scheduled to attend on August 27th. My Uncle Jack was celebrating his 85th birthday and my lovely cousins were throwing him a birthday bash. That was the weekend that Hurricane Irene came calling. After listening to the doom and gloom being forecast I made the decision that making a 2.5 hour drive south was not the wisest thing to do. It turned out that areas north and east of us were effected much more than we here in Philly were but while I believe the decision to stay home was the right one I still feel like a wuss.
I spent time reading both good books and bad books. I stayed away from the romance genre for years but have developed a penchant for it since I have so much time on my hands. I like Lorelei James and Melissa Schroder as well as Lauren Dane. I also caught up with Sue Grafton and U IS FOR UNDERTOW which is the latest installment of the Kinsey Milhone series she started so many yeas ago. I read the latest installment in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R Ward and also read her Fallen Angels books. There were other books by other authors that are too numerous to mention. One book I would recommend to anyone is ANGELS AND MANNERS by Cynn Chadwick. It is a great story of two women who pull each other up and out of section 8 housing through hard work and common sense. The protaganists children bring a lot of levity to the story. (I will say that I love the fact that so many authors can be found on facebook or have blogs and are willing to update their readers on what is happening with new releases.)
I did not get to the movies as much as I hoped to this year. I did see THE HELP and it was wonderful. A number of award nominations have been made and in the next couple of months we'll see how it does. I can only say it was a remarkable cast of actors that did an extraordinary job telling Kathryn Stockett's story. The funny thing about seeing that movie was that I happened to go on the day the east coast experienced an earthquake. I totally missed it. I also saw THE MIGHTY MACS and while it won't win awards or go down in cinema history it was an enjoyable story about women's college basketball.
Back in October the Phillies left all of us here in my city on the Delaware bereft by not making it to the World Series after having the best regular season record in the game. This was their year and they blew it. I hope they can make up for it next year. I really do!
While I could probably prattle on here for a few more paragraphs I'm going to stop here.
May you have a Happy and Blessed 2012. May God grant us the patience to get through the next 10+ months until the general Election in November.
Bye for now everyone.

Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas 2011
Another year is wrapping up and Christmas is a week away.
The thing you have to love about this time of the year is that you can sit back and reminisce as you pull out those decorations and ornaments from years past and no one will criticize you for it. So here are some of my Christmas memories...
I remember going to bed on Christmas eve with no evidence of a tree or presents anywhere in the house and waking up on Christmas morning to find out a tree was up on a platform where the couch usually sat. Trains were on the platform and the platform was wrapped in chimney paper and the presents were all around. After the gifts were opened they were stored under the platform.
The year I was 6 and Santa brought a green Schwinn bicycle for me. My grandparents had taken me to Wannamaker's to visit Santa and I asked for a desk or a bicycle. When Christmas morning came and the presents were all opened there was no evidence of bike or desk. Then I was prodded to go out to the dinning room and look under the pile of coats in front of the buffet. Under them sat my Schwinn all shiny and new. Since the weather was cold and clear I was able to take it out for a ride. The problem was I couldn't reach the pedals.
There was the Christmas my brother was so sick the doctor made a house call. When my mother called Dr. Klingess his wife answered the phone and my mother told her Skip wanted nothing to do with his toys. My mother said she heard Mrs. K. say "Hank you need to go over there. Any child who doesn't care about toys on Christmas needs to see a doctor."
There was the year I was 13 (that would be 1961) . My sister and brother had rooted through every closet in the house and found most of the presents my mother had hidden away. I didn't particularly want to know what they found because I wanted to be surprised but Eileen took great joy in sharing all her finds with me. I was very surprised on Christmas morning to receive not only what she had found but a Kodak camera and a transistor radio. I felt very grown up. I had that little green transistor for a very long tome and it brought me a lot of pleasure.
I remember when I was in high school I would meet up with my friends for Midnight Mass and then the whole group of us were invited back to Gerri Leonard's house where her parents welcomed all of us with snacks and hot chocolate. We laughed a lot.
I remember the Christmas parties at Royal where I made an absolute fool of myself after having too much to drink.
I remember going Christmas shopping in center city and starting out at Lit Brothers and hitting Gimbels, Snellenbergs, Strawbridge & Clothier and Wannamaker's on my way up Market St. Whenever I hear "Silver Bells" it reminds me of Market St. back in the day.
As I got older I came to appreciate all my mother did to make sure we had a wonderful Christmas. My father worked as a bartender and worked nights with Sunday his only day off. There was no car so Mom had to take a bus wherever she went to shop. Since Dad didn't get home till the wee small hours of the morning it fell to my Mother to take care of getting the tree and the presents out. I'm sure that she was helped by our neighbors but she had to do all the planning and buying and cooking. Bars were not closed on Christmas so we had to have dinner very early on Christmas so my father could get to work. Since there were four Frett kids you know that there was no such thing as sleeping in on Christmas morning. We were raring to go by 7:00 AM and when I think that my parents hadn't gotten to sleep till 4:00 at the earliest I wonder how they made it through the day! We had to get to church and dinner need to be on the table by 2:00. It's a wonder to me how everything got done without my Mom having a breakdown.
There are too many good memories to put down here. These were just some highlights and I'm sure my siblings would have their own unique memories to share were they so inclined. Maybe they'll take a look at this and add a thing or two.
At any rate take some time this year to take some good mental pictures to file away in your own memory bank. Remember the smells and thee sounds of this Christmas.
Most of all take note of all the people you love who are with you. Those you love are your most precious gifts. Then remember all you love who are gone and honor them by remembering all the joy they brought to your life.
The thing you have to love about this time of the year is that you can sit back and reminisce as you pull out those decorations and ornaments from years past and no one will criticize you for it. So here are some of my Christmas memories...
I remember going to bed on Christmas eve with no evidence of a tree or presents anywhere in the house and waking up on Christmas morning to find out a tree was up on a platform where the couch usually sat. Trains were on the platform and the platform was wrapped in chimney paper and the presents were all around. After the gifts were opened they were stored under the platform.
The year I was 6 and Santa brought a green Schwinn bicycle for me. My grandparents had taken me to Wannamaker's to visit Santa and I asked for a desk or a bicycle. When Christmas morning came and the presents were all opened there was no evidence of bike or desk. Then I was prodded to go out to the dinning room and look under the pile of coats in front of the buffet. Under them sat my Schwinn all shiny and new. Since the weather was cold and clear I was able to take it out for a ride. The problem was I couldn't reach the pedals.
There was the Christmas my brother was so sick the doctor made a house call. When my mother called Dr. Klingess his wife answered the phone and my mother told her Skip wanted nothing to do with his toys. My mother said she heard Mrs. K. say "Hank you need to go over there. Any child who doesn't care about toys on Christmas needs to see a doctor."
There was the year I was 13 (that would be 1961) . My sister and brother had rooted through every closet in the house and found most of the presents my mother had hidden away. I didn't particularly want to know what they found because I wanted to be surprised but Eileen took great joy in sharing all her finds with me. I was very surprised on Christmas morning to receive not only what she had found but a Kodak camera and a transistor radio. I felt very grown up. I had that little green transistor for a very long tome and it brought me a lot of pleasure.
I remember when I was in high school I would meet up with my friends for Midnight Mass and then the whole group of us were invited back to Gerri Leonard's house where her parents welcomed all of us with snacks and hot chocolate. We laughed a lot.
I remember the Christmas parties at Royal where I made an absolute fool of myself after having too much to drink.
I remember going Christmas shopping in center city and starting out at Lit Brothers and hitting Gimbels, Snellenbergs, Strawbridge & Clothier and Wannamaker's on my way up Market St. Whenever I hear "Silver Bells" it reminds me of Market St. back in the day.
As I got older I came to appreciate all my mother did to make sure we had a wonderful Christmas. My father worked as a bartender and worked nights with Sunday his only day off. There was no car so Mom had to take a bus wherever she went to shop. Since Dad didn't get home till the wee small hours of the morning it fell to my Mother to take care of getting the tree and the presents out. I'm sure that she was helped by our neighbors but she had to do all the planning and buying and cooking. Bars were not closed on Christmas so we had to have dinner very early on Christmas so my father could get to work. Since there were four Frett kids you know that there was no such thing as sleeping in on Christmas morning. We were raring to go by 7:00 AM and when I think that my parents hadn't gotten to sleep till 4:00 at the earliest I wonder how they made it through the day! We had to get to church and dinner need to be on the table by 2:00. It's a wonder to me how everything got done without my Mom having a breakdown.
There are too many good memories to put down here. These were just some highlights and I'm sure my siblings would have their own unique memories to share were they so inclined. Maybe they'll take a look at this and add a thing or two.
At any rate take some time this year to take some good mental pictures to file away in your own memory bank. Remember the smells and thee sounds of this Christmas.
Most of all take note of all the people you love who are with you. Those you love are your most precious gifts. Then remember all you love who are gone and honor them by remembering all the joy they brought to your life.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Occupy Philadelphia 11-29-2011
I was watching the news earlier about the people still in Dillworth Plaza (at Philadelphia City Hall) as part of Occupy Philadelphia. I don't understand these fools who are battening down the hatches to prevent being removed from the plaza. The city has been very patient and considerate of these people.
Their permits have expired and they have no legal right to stay. And I see no moral imperative for their presence there either.
They are protesting but without a specific aim. In the 60's and 70's protests were held for racial equality and to end the war in Vietnam. These were concrete aims. There were measurable results. People voted and men stopped dying.
These people want to end social and economic inequality but how is that accomplished? These aims must be earned with hard work. I grant that big business in this country, and throughout the world, has a lot to be taken to task for. However the Bank of America or Wells Fargo or any of the other corporations folks are angry at can't simply grant someone social or economic status.
In the meantime the construction crews that should be working on the plaza are being held up. No work is being done and the men and women waiting to do their jobs and earn a paycheck and take care of their families are being held up.
These protesters are not the idealists of ATLAS SHRUGGED. Many of the squatter/protesters I've seen on the news appear to be young and angry at the world in general or the sick and homeless who have been a problem for society in general for the last 30 years or so. I have yet to see a protester here in Philly who actually appears to have a valid argument to make or a way the businesses they are protesting against can resolve that problem.
I may be getting old but I just had to get that out of my system. Thank you for your patience!
Their permits have expired and they have no legal right to stay. And I see no moral imperative for their presence there either.
They are protesting but without a specific aim. In the 60's and 70's protests were held for racial equality and to end the war in Vietnam. These were concrete aims. There were measurable results. People voted and men stopped dying.
These people want to end social and economic inequality but how is that accomplished? These aims must be earned with hard work. I grant that big business in this country, and throughout the world, has a lot to be taken to task for. However the Bank of America or Wells Fargo or any of the other corporations folks are angry at can't simply grant someone social or economic status.
In the meantime the construction crews that should be working on the plaza are being held up. No work is being done and the men and women waiting to do their jobs and earn a paycheck and take care of their families are being held up.
These protesters are not the idealists of ATLAS SHRUGGED. Many of the squatter/protesters I've seen on the news appear to be young and angry at the world in general or the sick and homeless who have been a problem for society in general for the last 30 years or so. I have yet to see a protester here in Philly who actually appears to have a valid argument to make or a way the businesses they are protesting against can resolve that problem.
I may be getting old but I just had to get that out of my system. Thank you for your patience!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday 11/20/2011
A big hello to anyone who actually clicks on the link to read this.
Today is my brother's 60th birthday. Cards were sent and we, his sisters, took him out to dinner to celebrate last weekend. Eileen even took a ride and took him out to lunch today. He is a low key kind of guy and after his kids & family his interests in life are the Civil War and history in general. I do remember that the day he was born I was in center city with my grandmother and when we got on the bus at 2nd and Market to go back to her house I announced to the bus driver that I had a new baby brother. That is my earliest memory and to this day I can remember what the inside of that bus looked like.
This Thursday is Thanksgiving. As things stand now we won't be having a lot of company. My brother and his son will be here for dinner and Eileen and Bill will be doing the cooking. Turkey with the fixin's and that will incluse creamed onions which is a family favorite reserved for Thanksgiving only. Those small white onions are a bitch to peel but taste so good. They just aren't the same if you use the canned.
Earlier this week I posted the following and am repeating it here in case you missed it:
You've got to love facebook and the cyber universe in general for the world that has been opened to us. We can be in touch every day with people we may not have seen in years. We can share a laugh or a picture or a song that will bring a smile to someone thousands of miles away. We can meet people who enjoy the same pastimes we do and are on the other side of the earth. You can reach out to an author or musician or artist that you admire and let them know what their work has meant to you. But in the words of Sgt. Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues "be careful out there".
I also saw R.E. Bradshaw's blog about things her mother says. You can find it at
Here is a small sample:
There are the threatening ones, because we were hellions. "I'll snatch a knot in you." "My God, I hope you have two just like you." "Don't let your mouth write out a check your ass can't pay for." "I will beat you within an inch of your life" (That was an idle threat, but it worked.) And last but not least, another favorite, "Y'all are driving me crazy. You're going to have to come peek at me through the bars on Sunday." There was the constant threat that we would drive her to the Sanatorium.
Today is my brother's 60th birthday. Cards were sent and we, his sisters, took him out to dinner to celebrate last weekend. Eileen even took a ride and took him out to lunch today. He is a low key kind of guy and after his kids & family his interests in life are the Civil War and history in general. I do remember that the day he was born I was in center city with my grandmother and when we got on the bus at 2nd and Market to go back to her house I announced to the bus driver that I had a new baby brother. That is my earliest memory and to this day I can remember what the inside of that bus looked like.
This Thursday is Thanksgiving. As things stand now we won't be having a lot of company. My brother and his son will be here for dinner and Eileen and Bill will be doing the cooking. Turkey with the fixin's and that will incluse creamed onions which is a family favorite reserved for Thanksgiving only. Those small white onions are a bitch to peel but taste so good. They just aren't the same if you use the canned.
Earlier this week I posted the following and am repeating it here in case you missed it:
You've got to love facebook and the cyber universe in general for the world that has been opened to us. We can be in touch every day with people we may not have seen in years. We can share a laugh or a picture or a song that will bring a smile to someone thousands of miles away. We can meet people who enjoy the same pastimes we do and are on the other side of the earth. You can reach out to an author or musician or artist that you admire and let them know what their work has meant to you. But in the words of Sgt. Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues "be careful out there".
I also saw R.E. Bradshaw's blog about things her mother says. You can find it at
Here is a small sample:
There are the threatening ones, because we were hellions. "I'll snatch a knot in you." "My God, I hope you have two just like you." "Don't let your mouth write out a check your ass can't pay for." "I will beat you within an inch of your life" (That was an idle threat, but it worked.) And last but not least, another favorite, "Y'all are driving me crazy. You're going to have to come peek at me through the bars on Sunday." There was the constant threat that we would drive her to the Sanatorium.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Saturday 10/27/2011
Some thoughts on friendship....
There are all kinds of people you will come across in this world and if you are lucky enough to have one or two you can call a friend for life you are blessed.
There is the rare friend who is also family. They would love you even if they didn't have to and you'll call them to chat without needing to discuss family business.
We work with people and we spend more time with them than we do our families and they understand the day to day us often better than our families do because they are more aware of the events and pressures we experience while at work. If we get along with these colleagues we think of them as friends. Sometimes these relationships end when you move on and sometimes they don't. Whatever happens consider yourself blessed to have had these folks in your life.
We have others who may be neighbors or acquaintances that we become very tight with for a period of time when one can offer the other support or assistance through a life crisis. Once the crisis is over the relationship may fade or dissolve completely for no apparent reason. It doesn't mean that relationship was not valid. It just means that it has run it's course.
And as to those lifelong friends... they are indeed the family of your heart. You want to share your happiness and tears with them. They know you better than you know yourself. You can call them at 3:00 am and share a problem. They won't hang up on you. They will travel thousands of miles to share a life event. They know your history and you don't have to explain the background of a situation to them because they already know it. They don't make fun of your opinions even if they don't agree with them. They are the people you want to clear your computer history if you die. You can trust them with pin numbers and passwords. They will come and sit while you are in the hospital just so you won't be lonely. You can be in a room with them and not have to talk because you are both at the point where silence is as companionable as conversation. You can call them after not talking for months and pick up as though you spoke yesterday. They love you with no questions asked and you trust them with not only your dreams but your disappointments as well.
You're lucky if you have a single friend like that in your life and if you have more than one such friend consider your life a miracle.
I'm a very lucky person to have remarkable women as my friends and they know who they are.

There are all kinds of people you will come across in this world and if you are lucky enough to have one or two you can call a friend for life you are blessed.
There is the rare friend who is also family. They would love you even if they didn't have to and you'll call them to chat without needing to discuss family business.
We work with people and we spend more time with them than we do our families and they understand the day to day us often better than our families do because they are more aware of the events and pressures we experience while at work. If we get along with these colleagues we think of them as friends. Sometimes these relationships end when you move on and sometimes they don't. Whatever happens consider yourself blessed to have had these folks in your life.
We have others who may be neighbors or acquaintances that we become very tight with for a period of time when one can offer the other support or assistance through a life crisis. Once the crisis is over the relationship may fade or dissolve completely for no apparent reason. It doesn't mean that relationship was not valid. It just means that it has run it's course.
And as to those lifelong friends... they are indeed the family of your heart. You want to share your happiness and tears with them. They know you better than you know yourself. You can call them at 3:00 am and share a problem. They won't hang up on you. They will travel thousands of miles to share a life event. They know your history and you don't have to explain the background of a situation to them because they already know it. They don't make fun of your opinions even if they don't agree with them. They are the people you want to clear your computer history if you die. You can trust them with pin numbers and passwords. They will come and sit while you are in the hospital just so you won't be lonely. You can be in a room with them and not have to talk because you are both at the point where silence is as companionable as conversation. You can call them after not talking for months and pick up as though you spoke yesterday. They love you with no questions asked and you trust them with not only your dreams but your disappointments as well.
You're lucky if you have a single friend like that in your life and if you have more than one such friend consider your life a miracle.
I'm a very lucky person to have remarkable women as my friends and they know who they are.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday 10/26/2011
I haven't been here for a while but there really hasn't been much to talk about recently. Anyway I'm here now so we'll see where this goes.
I went to the movies with my friend Kitty yesterday to see THE MIGHTY MACS. A story about the first woman's basketball team to win a national NCAA title. That was back in 1972. When you look at the movie you realize just how far women's sports have come in the last 40 years. We have a lot of dedicated women and Title 9 to thank for that but I digress. The movie made me chuckle to see the uniforms the Macs had to wear. (They were so similar to the gym uniforms I wore in high school. And they were the same style my high school team wore. I was a huge fan of girls basketball back when I was in high school. From sophomore year until I graduated I never missed a game my school played. The Bambis of St. Huberts were a great team and a lot of fun to cheer for. It was a tough game and I think it ruined me because I haven't ever warmed up to men's basketball. It just has never seemed quite as exciting.) But to get back to the movie.... It wasn't what you would call unforgettable cinema but it was a good movie. You can take the family and not have to worry about any inappropriate content. I recommend the movie to anyone with a love of sports but with movie prices being what they are you may want to wait for the DVD or cable TV to catch it.
Sunday night on 60 minutes there was a fantastic story about the impact that iPads have had on autistic children and their ability to communicate. Here is a link to the CBS site for the show. If you know anyone affected by autism you may want to take a look.
Here is a link for a beautiful song by Adele. Christian, the 2 yr old my sister watches loves her and calls her The Girl. She has replaced Beiber in his list of videos to watch before his daily nap time.
I went to the movies with my friend Kitty yesterday to see THE MIGHTY MACS. A story about the first woman's basketball team to win a national NCAA title. That was back in 1972. When you look at the movie you realize just how far women's sports have come in the last 40 years. We have a lot of dedicated women and Title 9 to thank for that but I digress. The movie made me chuckle to see the uniforms the Macs had to wear. (They were so similar to the gym uniforms I wore in high school. And they were the same style my high school team wore. I was a huge fan of girls basketball back when I was in high school. From sophomore year until I graduated I never missed a game my school played. The Bambis of St. Huberts were a great team and a lot of fun to cheer for. It was a tough game and I think it ruined me because I haven't ever warmed up to men's basketball. It just has never seemed quite as exciting.) But to get back to the movie.... It wasn't what you would call unforgettable cinema but it was a good movie. You can take the family and not have to worry about any inappropriate content. I recommend the movie to anyone with a love of sports but with movie prices being what they are you may want to wait for the DVD or cable TV to catch it.
Sunday night on 60 minutes there was a fantastic story about the impact that iPads have had on autistic children and their ability to communicate. Here is a link to the CBS site for the show. If you know anyone affected by autism you may want to take a look.
Here is a link for a beautiful song by Adele. Christian, the 2 yr old my sister watches loves her and calls her The Girl. She has replaced Beiber in his list of videos to watch before his daily nap time.
Anyway take a moment and enjoy this lovely performance.
Music video by Adele performing Someone Like You. (C) 2011 XL Recordings Ltd
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sunday 10/09/2011
Hi all. I haven't been here for a while because I really have not had a lot to say. It is Sunday and the other night the Phillies lost to the Cardinals and knocked themselves out of the race for the pennant. This is particularly galling since they had the best season ever. They had won 102 games and were in first place in their division for the majority of the season and then they chocked in the playoffs. We can always say wait till next year but we still need to have a wake to bury the hopes and dreams still floating in our psyche for this year. 2011 season RIP.
This week we also saw the passing of Steve Jobs. I may not own an Apple product but the technology he introduced with his products still pervades our everyday lives. If you have a smart phone or an MP3 player you have Mr. Jobs to thank. And don't forget Pixar. It was Steve Jobs who financed the little picture studio that could. Without him we may not have known Woody or Buzz Lightyear. We would never have searched for Nemo or gone exploring the world in a house floating through the clouds via balloons. I thank him for his ideas and for making the world a better place.
Roger Williams has also passed away from pancreatic cancer. He is another artist I listened to growing up. I think of him more for Born Free but Autumn Leaves was his best selling record. He really could play the piano. Take a few moments to enjoy a lovely piece.
The new TV season....we're almost 3 weeks into it and there is not really any new show that is EXCITING. I like A Gifted Man and Person of Interest but if I miss them I don't really mind. My favorites remain NCIS, The Good Wife and The Big Bang Theory. There are other shows I enjoy but I get bent out of shape if I miss those three. And I did forget PRIME SUSPECT. I'm not used to it being there on Thursday night yet but I really do like it. Maria Bello is really fantastic in it. I have to watch Dexter later today. I hope this year my favorite serial killer gets back to his roots.
I hope you all have a wonderful week.
This week we also saw the passing of Steve Jobs. I may not own an Apple product but the technology he introduced with his products still pervades our everyday lives. If you have a smart phone or an MP3 player you have Mr. Jobs to thank. And don't forget Pixar. It was Steve Jobs who financed the little picture studio that could. Without him we may not have known Woody or Buzz Lightyear. We would never have searched for Nemo or gone exploring the world in a house floating through the clouds via balloons. I thank him for his ideas and for making the world a better place.
Roger Williams has also passed away from pancreatic cancer. He is another artist I listened to growing up. I think of him more for Born Free but Autumn Leaves was his best selling record. He really could play the piano. Take a few moments to enjoy a lovely piece.
The new TV season....we're almost 3 weeks into it and there is not really any new show that is EXCITING. I like A Gifted Man and Person of Interest but if I miss them I don't really mind. My favorites remain NCIS, The Good Wife and The Big Bang Theory. There are other shows I enjoy but I get bent out of shape if I miss those three. And I did forget PRIME SUSPECT. I'm not used to it being there on Thursday night yet but I really do like it. Maria Bello is really fantastic in it. I have to watch Dexter later today. I hope this year my favorite serial killer gets back to his roots.
I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday 09/29/2011
I really haven't had too much to say lately so you haven't see a post for a couple of weeks. Still not a lot on my mind but I thought I would check in and just say HELLO in case anyone is checking.
Today I posted the following on facebook:
For those of you who love to laugh here is a clip of Madeline Kahn singing at a 100th birthday celebration for Irving Berlin. Today is her birthday. Hats off to a comic genius who died too young.
The song is "You'd be Suptised". Give a listen and have a chuckle.
Well tomorrow is the last day of September and as the weather is finally changing and baseball playoffs are here I guess we are well and truly into fall. Halloween is right around the corner followed hard by Thanksgiving and Christmas and then into 2012. Time flies by so fast. I know my mother told me things would speed up as I got older but it has only been the last few years that things seem to go at warp speed.
Here is a Quote of the Day for all my friends who love baseball even if their love of the game applies only to their own team:
Today I posted the following on facebook:
For those of you who love to laugh here is a clip of Madeline Kahn singing at a 100th birthday celebration for Irving Berlin. Today is her birthday. Hats off to a comic genius who died too young.
The song is "You'd be Suptised". Give a listen and have a chuckle.
Well tomorrow is the last day of September and as the weather is finally changing and baseball playoffs are here I guess we are well and truly into fall. Halloween is right around the corner followed hard by Thanksgiving and Christmas and then into 2012. Time flies by so fast. I know my mother told me things would speed up as I got older but it has only been the last few years that things seem to go at warp speed.
Here is a Quote of the Day for all my friends who love baseball even if their love of the game applies only to their own team:
No matter how good you are, you're going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are you're going to win one-third of your games. It's the other third that makes the difference. ~Tommy Lasorda
(Just in case you folks didn't know...The Phillies rocked that middle third and had the best record in the sport with 102 wins and 60 losses.)
(Just in case you folks didn't know...The Phillies rocked that middle third and had the best record in the sport with 102 wins and 60 losses.)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday 09/15/2011
Today is my 63rd birthday and it was a lovely day.
I just wanted to take a moment to say how blessed I've been in this life. I have a wonderful family. I'm grateful for each and every one of them. My siblings and I get along and love each other and know that we are lucky to have each other. Based on what I've seen from the families that I grew up with this is rarer than most folks would believe.
I have a wonderful extended family as well. Uncles and cousins who add texture and color to the family tapestry. I may not see them often but I know that if I need them they would be there for me.
I'm blessed to have wonderful friends in my life. There are friends that I have know for decades that are as precious to me as my family. There are other friends in my life that I may not know as well or as long but they add color and laughter to my life and are treasured.
All in all I'm quite a lucky woman.
I was just flipping around the channels looking for something to have on in the background while I fool around here on my computer. Piers Morgan is doing yet another show about Michael Jackson and who is responsible for his death. Am I the only person who thinks that he was primarily responsible for his own demise? If the man had half a brain he had to know that the drugs he was on were not normal. I think that his doctors need to be held responsible for the medications they prescribed and administered but the patient is in part responsible for their own care. Someone needs to give these people who want to blame others entirely for his actions a reality check.
I just wanted to take a moment to say how blessed I've been in this life. I have a wonderful family. I'm grateful for each and every one of them. My siblings and I get along and love each other and know that we are lucky to have each other. Based on what I've seen from the families that I grew up with this is rarer than most folks would believe.
I have a wonderful extended family as well. Uncles and cousins who add texture and color to the family tapestry. I may not see them often but I know that if I need them they would be there for me.
I'm blessed to have wonderful friends in my life. There are friends that I have know for decades that are as precious to me as my family. There are other friends in my life that I may not know as well or as long but they add color and laughter to my life and are treasured.
All in all I'm quite a lucky woman.
I was just flipping around the channels looking for something to have on in the background while I fool around here on my computer. Piers Morgan is doing yet another show about Michael Jackson and who is responsible for his death. Am I the only person who thinks that he was primarily responsible for his own demise? If the man had half a brain he had to know that the drugs he was on were not normal. I think that his doctors need to be held responsible for the medications they prescribed and administered but the patient is in part responsible for their own care. Someone needs to give these people who want to blame others entirely for his actions a reality check.
Here is my musical clip for today. This is the finale from the movie THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS. It features Ethel Merman, Mitzi Gaynor, Johnny Ray, Donald O'Connor, Dan Daley and at the very end Marilyn Monroe. This was one of those great musicals that Hollywood turned out back in the 50's. It's schmaltz in its purest form but utterly enjoyable. SO ENJOY ALREADY!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunday 09/11/2011
Last night I put a post on facebook alluding to the fact that prior to 09/11 we went to sleep at night feeling safe and how we would never be quite that naive again. I also noted that I thought that I had already lived through the historical event of my lifetime with the assassination of JFK.
That thought lead me to consider all the history that I have been on this earth to observe.
I remember the Berlin wall going up and falling down.
The most afraid I was before 09/11 was the Cuban Missile Crisis when I was a freshman in high school.
I remember the escalation of the war in Viet Nam when we went from having some troops on the ground as advisors to fighting and loosing a full fledged war.
There was a lot of other history that happened in the last 60 or so years. I just hope that nothing in the future equals what happened in NYC 10 years ago today.
So there are things in life that bring us down but there are also things that lighten our spirits and bring joy to our hearts. In that spirit I've again raided YouTube. I'm including 2 links here. The first is for a dance number that was performed for Jacques D'amboise by his children when he was presented with the Kennedy Center Honor.
The 2nd clip is Tim Conway and Harvey Korman from the Carol Burnett Show. There is something wrong with your funny bone if you don't find this amusing.
Not really much else to say. The Phillies and Eagles are both playing. I find it very disconcerting when the sports seasons overlap like this. This has been a record breaking year for our Phillies. They are the best team in baseball at the moment with more than 90 wins and less than 50 losses. By all rights they should win the World Series but I don't want to be too cocky and jinx them.
Have a great day all and a wonderful week.
That thought lead me to consider all the history that I have been on this earth to observe.
I remember the Berlin wall going up and falling down.
The most afraid I was before 09/11 was the Cuban Missile Crisis when I was a freshman in high school.
I remember the escalation of the war in Viet Nam when we went from having some troops on the ground as advisors to fighting and loosing a full fledged war.
There was a lot of other history that happened in the last 60 or so years. I just hope that nothing in the future equals what happened in NYC 10 years ago today.
So there are things in life that bring us down but there are also things that lighten our spirits and bring joy to our hearts. In that spirit I've again raided YouTube. I'm including 2 links here. The first is for a dance number that was performed for Jacques D'amboise by his children when he was presented with the Kennedy Center Honor.
The 2nd clip is Tim Conway and Harvey Korman from the Carol Burnett Show. There is something wrong with your funny bone if you don't find this amusing.
Not really much else to say. The Phillies and Eagles are both playing. I find it very disconcerting when the sports seasons overlap like this. This has been a record breaking year for our Phillies. They are the best team in baseball at the moment with more than 90 wins and less than 50 losses. By all rights they should win the World Series but I don't want to be too cocky and jinx them.
Have a great day all and a wonderful week.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wednesday 09/07/2011
We are coming up to the 10th anniversary of 9/11. I was in the hospital the days before the attack with one of my earlier bouts of cellulitis and on the day of the attacks I was at home and awake and watching Matt Lauer & Katie Couric on the Today show. When the initial report came in I wondered how was it possible for a plane to crash into a building in such clear weather. Then I saw the 2nd plane crash and realized it was going to be something that would change our lives forever. I saw things on the news that day that I hope to never see again. It was surreal. The people on the streets of New York that day reminded me of the people at the end of the movie Volcano. But this was REAL.
Take a moment in the days ahead to remember the people in those towers that day. Those who lived who had their lives irrevocably changed and those who died who are mourned by those they left behind. And say a prayer for our country and those men and women both in the military and civilian life who spend their lives working to protect us from similar attacks. The very least we can give them are our prayers and thanks.
I just happened to see That the Kennedy Center Honorees have been announced for this year. Here is a copy of the piece I saw:
This year's Kennedy Center Honors belong to musicians and Meryl Streep -- the Oscar-winning actress known to favor us with a song or two. Streep, singer Barbara Cook, singer-songwriter Neil Diamond, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and saxophonist and composer Sonny Rollins are the honorees at this year's 34th annual Kennedy Center ceremony. “This year, the Kennedy Center selects five extraordinary individuals whose collective artistry has contributed significantly to the cultural life of our nation and the world,” said Kennedy Center Chairman David M. Rubenstein. The honors will be broadcast Tuesday, Dec. 27 on CBS.
This reminds me that THE EMMYS are 10 days away. Sunday Sept. 18th on FOX. Looking forward to it.
Well I can't think of anything more at the moment so take care and take a moment for yourself everyday to feed your soul. Look at something beautiful or listen to a wonderful piece of music or speak to a friend and laugh. These are things that make life worth living.
Take a moment in the days ahead to remember the people in those towers that day. Those who lived who had their lives irrevocably changed and those who died who are mourned by those they left behind. And say a prayer for our country and those men and women both in the military and civilian life who spend their lives working to protect us from similar attacks. The very least we can give them are our prayers and thanks.
I just happened to see That the Kennedy Center Honorees have been announced for this year. Here is a copy of the piece I saw:
This year's Kennedy Center Honors belong to musicians and Meryl Streep -- the Oscar-winning actress known to favor us with a song or two. Streep, singer Barbara Cook, singer-songwriter Neil Diamond, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and saxophonist and composer Sonny Rollins are the honorees at this year's 34th annual Kennedy Center ceremony. “This year, the Kennedy Center selects five extraordinary individuals whose collective artistry has contributed significantly to the cultural life of our nation and the world,” said Kennedy Center Chairman David M. Rubenstein. The honors will be broadcast Tuesday, Dec. 27 on CBS.
This reminds me that THE EMMYS are 10 days away. Sunday Sept. 18th on FOX. Looking forward to it.
Well I can't think of anything more at the moment so take care and take a moment for yourself everyday to feed your soul. Look at something beautiful or listen to a wonderful piece of music or speak to a friend and laugh. These are things that make life worth living.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Monday 09/05/2011 LABOR DAY
It is Labor Day 2011. This is a day set aside each year to recognize and honor workers and the labor movement for their handwork, dedication and their contribution to economic and social growth and development.
Now if that doesn't impact your life think about your grandparents or your great-grandparents and how they worked six or seven days a week for a wage that we would laugh at today. Think about the men and women who died because of unfair and dangerous work conditions.
Thank your lucky stars that you can picnic or shop or just relax today because of those who have gone before you.
Quote for the day:
Now if that doesn't impact your life think about your grandparents or your great-grandparents and how they worked six or seven days a week for a wage that we would laugh at today. Think about the men and women who died because of unfair and dangerous work conditions.
Thank your lucky stars that you can picnic or shop or just relax today because of those who have gone before you.
Quote for the day:
Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow. ~Douglas Pagels, These Are the Gifts I'd Like to Give to You
My sister Karen had these thoughts to share on the day:
so today is labor day..thank God.the summer flew by and all the kids will be back in school..the new shows will start..everything i like will be cancelled in 2 wks,..and will be replaced with some new reality crap..which leads me back to labor day..hope everyone one who is celebrating today understands what this day is all about..not just cookouts but the people who work in this country..granted that num. has dwindled in the past few yrs. but not because people don't want to work but there are no jobs to be had. even the min.wage jobs are few and far between, there are being taken by adults who can't find work,not just teens. how anyone can support a family or even just 1 person on these wages is beyond on this labor day i think of how lucky i am ..and how if it was not for UNIONS i don't know what my life would be like.which leads me back to reality crap..the only reason for the plethora of this type of programming is that you don't have to pay people with no talent as much as you would an actual try not to watch this crap and maybe we could actually have another season of MUST SEE TV! hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Her comments made me think of a story about Mike Rowe that was on SUNDAY MORNING yesterday. He's the guy who does DIRTY JOBS on the Discovery Network as well as commercials for Ford and paper towels. Anyway he has done a lot of jobs most of us would find repugnant in the course of his show. He pointed out that there are a lot of jobs in this country for skilled labor. People will always need plumbers, electricians and carpenters. We will always need people who farm and cook and sew. We have to realize that not everyone is cut out to go to college and work in an office or at some nice white collar job. We need to celebrate the person we call in the middle of the night when we can't fix something for ourselves. Think about all the jobs you would never want to do and then wonder where the person who will do that job in the future is going to come from.
I put a song link on facebook a few minutes ago. It's for Bette Midler doing SISTERS with Linda Ronstadt. It is one of the songs on Bette's album of Rosemary Clooney songs. The song is on youtube at Take a moment and listen to it. It is sure to cheer you up. I have this song as a ringtone on my phone for my beautiful sisters.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thursday 09/01/2011
Today is the first day of September.
This is what I think of as the beginning of the year. Children and parents are getting ready for school to begin again and for the most part vacations are over and new projects are on the drawing board. The summer is winding down and we are looking forward to changing our wardrobes and turning off our air conditioners for a well deserved rest. The seasons will change and Halloween and Christmas decorations will begin to make their way into the stores.
This is what I think of as the beginning of the year. Children and parents are getting ready for school to begin again and for the most part vacations are over and new projects are on the drawing board. The summer is winding down and we are looking forward to changing our wardrobes and turning off our air conditioners for a well deserved rest. The seasons will change and Halloween and Christmas decorations will begin to make their way into the stores.
Here are some quotes regarding the big event of the month... The return of children to school!
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. ~Edward Everett
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. ~Edward Everett
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams
I read something recently and it concerns how a parent is perceived by their child to view the fact of the adult child's homosexuality. This may or may not be an issue that you or someone in your life has had to deal with but I thought I would share this because I find it to be so insightful:
“Parents of gay children lose their hope of a normal life for their children. Or at least what they perceive as a normal life for their children. … Parents are ashamed to admit they are ashamed. It tarnishes them, too. They do lose a child to homosexuality. But you need to understand that children lose their parents through their own shame. We run away because we have disappointed the hell out of you. We are perfect until it all comes out, and then it’s a godforsaken mess.”
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wednesday 08/31/2011
Well it is the last day of August. I won't be sorry to see it go. Here in Philadelphia it was the rainiest month in our history. With the help of Hurricane Irene last week we bested the previous record by over 6 inches. People talk about the northwest being the rainiest part of the country but I just checked Google and Philly has a higher average annual rainfall than Seattle. Maybe we should all head west.
It is also time for the commercials touting the new TV season to roll into full attack mode. More reality TV with ABC rolling out The Chew. It won't be on my "Must See" list. The whole thing with reality TV escapes me. Why do normally sane people go on TV and expose the worst traits of their personality for an entire nation to see. "Real Housewives"?? I'm not advocating going back to "Leave It To Beaver" but scripted drama and comedy would definitely be my preference. I resort to the cooking channel or a talk show when there is nothing else available. I hate that fact that the people who run the networks (cable and broadcast) seem to program to appeal to all our baser instincts.
There was a wonderful piece on NBC News about the beneficial properties of Chocolate. For those of you who need an excuse to break down and have a little taste go to This is the kind of news we all need.
Have a lovely evening all!
It is also time for the commercials touting the new TV season to roll into full attack mode. More reality TV with ABC rolling out The Chew. It won't be on my "Must See" list. The whole thing with reality TV escapes me. Why do normally sane people go on TV and expose the worst traits of their personality for an entire nation to see. "Real Housewives"?? I'm not advocating going back to "Leave It To Beaver" but scripted drama and comedy would definitely be my preference. I resort to the cooking channel or a talk show when there is nothing else available. I hate that fact that the people who run the networks (cable and broadcast) seem to program to appeal to all our baser instincts.
There was a wonderful piece on NBC News about the beneficial properties of Chocolate. For those of you who need an excuse to break down and have a little taste go to This is the kind of news we all need.
Have a lovely evening all!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday 08/27/2011 & Sunday 08/28/2011
Happy Saturday all! The end to an extraordinary week here in the Philly area. When was the last time we had an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week? Twenty years from now this phenomenon will be on a trivia test somewhere and most people will think it's a joke.
Just a piece of information from my life in insurance....Unless you have a special endorsement on your homeowners insurance policy you have no coverage for earthquake damage to your home. If you want to add the coverage there is usually a freeze period after an earthquake before you are able to add this to your existing policy. Also I found out today that you need a separate policy to cover your home for damage done by a hurricane. This damage is usually classified as an ACT OF GOD and is not covered by most homeowners policies.
Today we were supposed to be at my cousin Kathy's home in Ellicott City, MD to celebrate my Uncle Jack's 85th birthday. Due to the weather forecast scaring me half to death I decided not to make that trip. I know how much my uncle was looking forward to having all his family in one place at the same time but this was a "better safe than sorry" moment. Hopefully we'll be able to get together soon and enjoy each others company.
As a result of our aborted trip we have been able to share with some friends and neighbors the abundance of butter cake and sticky buns we bought to take to MD with us. I'm sure that when plans are made for make-up trip Eileen will be making another trip to the bakery for all the cake we can carry with us.
Happy Sunday Dear World.............It appears that we all survived Hurricane Irene relatively unscathed. My niece Joanne is stuck out in Las Vegas for a few days. Fortunately her mother has a lifelong friend who lives there who she can stay with. She won't be camping out at the airport awaiting a flight home.
My youngest sister did loose power at her home and was reduced to reading her Kindle via candlelight. What a juxtaposition of the old and new!
Local TV stations have been doing Hurricane stories since yesterday morning. I'm really at the point where I'm worn out by the subject.
I spoke with my Uncle Jack last night and his party went off with hardly a hitch yesterday. He said they had very little rain during the day and most of the guests were able to make it without too much difficulty.
For those who party with hurricanes here's a link to Mary Chapin Carpenter singing DOWN AT THE TWIST AND SHOUT. It seems to fit.
Nothing else right now. Have a restful Sunday and face the new week with a smile on your face. After all you survived an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week. How bad can life really be????
Just a piece of information from my life in insurance....Unless you have a special endorsement on your homeowners insurance policy you have no coverage for earthquake damage to your home. If you want to add the coverage there is usually a freeze period after an earthquake before you are able to add this to your existing policy. Also I found out today that you need a separate policy to cover your home for damage done by a hurricane. This damage is usually classified as an ACT OF GOD and is not covered by most homeowners policies.
Today we were supposed to be at my cousin Kathy's home in Ellicott City, MD to celebrate my Uncle Jack's 85th birthday. Due to the weather forecast scaring me half to death I decided not to make that trip. I know how much my uncle was looking forward to having all his family in one place at the same time but this was a "better safe than sorry" moment. Hopefully we'll be able to get together soon and enjoy each others company.
As a result of our aborted trip we have been able to share with some friends and neighbors the abundance of butter cake and sticky buns we bought to take to MD with us. I'm sure that when plans are made for make-up trip Eileen will be making another trip to the bakery for all the cake we can carry with us.
Happy Sunday Dear World.............It appears that we all survived Hurricane Irene relatively unscathed. My niece Joanne is stuck out in Las Vegas for a few days. Fortunately her mother has a lifelong friend who lives there who she can stay with. She won't be camping out at the airport awaiting a flight home.
My youngest sister did loose power at her home and was reduced to reading her Kindle via candlelight. What a juxtaposition of the old and new!
Local TV stations have been doing Hurricane stories since yesterday morning. I'm really at the point where I'm worn out by the subject.
I spoke with my Uncle Jack last night and his party went off with hardly a hitch yesterday. He said they had very little rain during the day and most of the guests were able to make it without too much difficulty.
For those who party with hurricanes here's a link to Mary Chapin Carpenter singing DOWN AT THE TWIST AND SHOUT. It seems to fit.
Nothing else right now. Have a restful Sunday and face the new week with a smile on your face. After all you survived an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week. How bad can life really be????
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday 08/23/2011 Earthquake Day & Wednesday 08/24/2011
I went to the movies today and when I got home the first thing my sister asked was "Did you feel the earthquake?" Well I missed it! I guess I was so captivated by the movie I was watching I just didn't notice. There was no damage here and while D.C. was effected it doesn't appear that anyone was injured.
The news is saying this is the strongest eq in VA since 1897 and it lasted 30-45 seconds. Wow! I'll have to check with my OneBeacon friends to see what they felt on the 47th floor @ 1717 Arch St.
I went to see THE HELP this afternoon. There were a few minor changes from the book but the movie and everyone in it was so good that you hardly mind them. Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain were the heart of the movie. Ms. Davis should start writing her Oscar speach now because unless someone actually performs a miracle on the screen she should win the Best Actress Award. And I can see the whole cast winning the ensemble award at the SAG awards. I do have to say that Bryce Dallas Howard was evil personified as Hilly. If you get the chance it is worth the price of admission and your time to see it. Here is a link to the song by Mary J Blige that plays over the end credits of this terrific film.
Wednesday 08/24/2011
As you are all now aware the northeast part of the country experienced a rare earthquake yesterday. While they were talking about it on the news today I thought we needed some music to go with and couldn't resist the wonderful Carole King doing I FEEL THE EARTH MOVE. Here is a link for you to see and hear her doing that number via the wonderful folks on YouTube.
Not too much else going on today. We are finally getting rid of the POD we rented to store the basement contents that needed to be moved after the basement flooded. The big problem there is the guy who came to pick it up was unable to maneuver the truck to do that. We have to ask our neighbors to take the cars out of their back yard so the driver has the room he needs to move around. I will be so glad when the last of these little details are completed.
Of course there was something good that came from having to do all the moving of junk back and forth. My sister found our grandmother's gold trimmed juice glasses that she thought she had lost. The glasses were wrapped in newspaper from 1993 when Eileen and Bill moved in with me. It's wonderful to unearth a little bit of treasure that you thought was gone forever.
That's all for today. Have a peaceful and happy afternoon and evening.
The news is saying this is the strongest eq in VA since 1897 and it lasted 30-45 seconds. Wow! I'll have to check with my OneBeacon friends to see what they felt on the 47th floor @ 1717 Arch St.
I went to see THE HELP this afternoon. There were a few minor changes from the book but the movie and everyone in it was so good that you hardly mind them. Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain were the heart of the movie. Ms. Davis should start writing her Oscar speach now because unless someone actually performs a miracle on the screen she should win the Best Actress Award. And I can see the whole cast winning the ensemble award at the SAG awards. I do have to say that Bryce Dallas Howard was evil personified as Hilly. If you get the chance it is worth the price of admission and your time to see it. Here is a link to the song by Mary J Blige that plays over the end credits of this terrific film.
Wednesday 08/24/2011
As you are all now aware the northeast part of the country experienced a rare earthquake yesterday. While they were talking about it on the news today I thought we needed some music to go with and couldn't resist the wonderful Carole King doing I FEEL THE EARTH MOVE. Here is a link for you to see and hear her doing that number via the wonderful folks on YouTube.
Not too much else going on today. We are finally getting rid of the POD we rented to store the basement contents that needed to be moved after the basement flooded. The big problem there is the guy who came to pick it up was unable to maneuver the truck to do that. We have to ask our neighbors to take the cars out of their back yard so the driver has the room he needs to move around. I will be so glad when the last of these little details are completed.
Of course there was something good that came from having to do all the moving of junk back and forth. My sister found our grandmother's gold trimmed juice glasses that she thought she had lost. The glasses were wrapped in newspaper from 1993 when Eileen and Bill moved in with me. It's wonderful to unearth a little bit of treasure that you thought was gone forever.
That's all for today. Have a peaceful and happy afternoon and evening.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday 08/21/2011
From Friday:
Another work week has come and gone and I've got another case of the blahs after 2 consecutive days of losses on Wall Street.
I'm thoroughly disgusted with the folks in Washington who could not swallow their pride and come to a meeting of the minds on the budget back in May or June and instead caused doubt and uncertainty that now will wind up costing us precious savings we worked years for.
If you care too get in touch with your congress person and let your feelings be known.
Earlier today I watched CBS Sunday Morning. Week in and week out this program is entertaining and educational. It presents news along with segments on movies, music, art, history, politics and nature. What more can you wish for from a network TV show?
This morning there was a commentary by Ben Stein who was taking Rick Perry, the newest GOP contender for the presidency, to task for saying that Ben Bernanke is treasonous. Mr. Stein was pointing out that the steps Mr. Bernanke has been taking to help our financial position are anything but treasonous. I bring this up here only to point out that this is not the criticism of a Democrat taking a member of the loyal opposition to task but a member of the candidate's own party. Here is a link to the CBS page with the video and text. Be warned that should you choose the video you need to watch a commercial as well.
Last week the movie THE HELP opened countrywide. I don't think that it came in first in the box office last weekend but it is kicking butt this weekend. If the movie is close to the book it should be excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. It addresses a period of our history that many of Americans either don't know about or don't want to know about. I'm 62 and I remember watching the nightly news that had scenes of people being attacked by dogs and fire hoses because of the color of their skin. Read the book or watch the movie and pass along the lesson that "all men are created equal". It couldn't hurt.
Just for some fun here is a link to Petulia Clark singing DOWNTOWN where we could forget all or troubles and cares. Take a moment and enjoy a great singer doing one of her biggest hits.
Another work week has come and gone and I've got another case of the blahs after 2 consecutive days of losses on Wall Street.
I'm thoroughly disgusted with the folks in Washington who could not swallow their pride and come to a meeting of the minds on the budget back in May or June and instead caused doubt and uncertainty that now will wind up costing us precious savings we worked years for.
If you care too get in touch with your congress person and let your feelings be known.
Earlier today I watched CBS Sunday Morning. Week in and week out this program is entertaining and educational. It presents news along with segments on movies, music, art, history, politics and nature. What more can you wish for from a network TV show?
This morning there was a commentary by Ben Stein who was taking Rick Perry, the newest GOP contender for the presidency, to task for saying that Ben Bernanke is treasonous. Mr. Stein was pointing out that the steps Mr. Bernanke has been taking to help our financial position are anything but treasonous. I bring this up here only to point out that this is not the criticism of a Democrat taking a member of the loyal opposition to task but a member of the candidate's own party. Here is a link to the CBS page with the video and text. Be warned that should you choose the video you need to watch a commercial as well.
Last week the movie THE HELP opened countrywide. I don't think that it came in first in the box office last weekend but it is kicking butt this weekend. If the movie is close to the book it should be excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. It addresses a period of our history that many of Americans either don't know about or don't want to know about. I'm 62 and I remember watching the nightly news that had scenes of people being attacked by dogs and fire hoses because of the color of their skin. Read the book or watch the movie and pass along the lesson that "all men are created equal". It couldn't hurt.
Just for some fun here is a link to Petulia Clark singing DOWNTOWN where we could forget all or troubles and cares. Take a moment and enjoy a great singer doing one of her biggest hits.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday 08/17/2011
One afternoon not too long ago when I had nothing better to do I started to type up the things I remember from my childhood. I thought I'd share a few things here. I'm sure some of you have similar memories. I encourage you to take the time to write them down or record them so that someday your family will have that little bit of your history.
I remember...
I remember...
… that in the summer in the heat of the afternoon my mom made us come in for a rest and cool down. We would have a bath and change our clothes before we went out to play after dinner.
… that my father would not let us wear sneakers because they were bad for your feet. And we were not allowed to wear denim because dungarees were for poor kids and troublemakers.
… looking at the sky when a plane went over and being excited when a jet went over because they were so rare.
Quote for the day:
Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: you find the present tense, but the past perfect! ~Owens Lee Pomeroy
For those of you who do not do facebook I'm giving you this site on youtube to see Fred Astaire and Eleanor dance what is probably the best tap routine by a couple that was ever filmed.
The first time I saw this number was when I went to see THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT back in the summer of 1974. I saw it 3 times at the movies then I got the tape and now I have it on DVD. If you enjoy this half as much as I did it will have been 2 minutes and 46 seconds well spent.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Monday 08/15/2011
I've been thinking about what I should write today and I decided to go with my current pet peev:
When did turn signals become optional and Stop signs only a strong suggestion?
I've been thinking about this since I was nearly T-boned at the corner of Wellington and Frankford a couple of weeks ago. I slowed down to make a left turn onto Frankford from Wellington and a guy blew right through the red light. It was one of those heart in your throat moments. Everyday driving in our neighborhoods has become more dangerous than driving in the Indy 500.
For the sake of those you love and those that love you please become more aware of the rules of the road. Drive like your life depends on it. It does.
So I'm sitting here watching Rescue Me via dvr. This is one of my favorite dramatic TV shows.
A few years back NBC had a campaign about MUST SEE TV. I can't think of too many network shows that fall into that category any more. The Good Wife and Gray's Anatomy are the exception (for me) rather than the rule in network TV these days. You would think that with the proliferation of cable networks that the variety of what is available to view would increase but if anything it has gotten worse.
Somebody at CBS discovered a while back that reality TV was cheaper to produce and people would watch it. After that the other networks jumped on the bandwagon. For those of us who do not enjoy reality TV the choice of what to watch has moved from the networks we grew up with to premium cable (think Dexter or True Blood) or networks like TNT or USA. I used to look forward to September and the introduction of the new network shows but so far I haven't really seen anything new that I think will make that MUST WATCH list..
Let me know what you think.
I just took a pole on XFINITY's entertainment screen on the greatest movie love stories. So far comming in the top 3 spots in order are GONE WITH THE WIND, THE NOTEBOOK & CASSABLANCA. Three good ones to be sure but one of my all time favorites AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER was not even one of the choices.
That's all for now................
When did turn signals become optional and Stop signs only a strong suggestion?
I've been thinking about this since I was nearly T-boned at the corner of Wellington and Frankford a couple of weeks ago. I slowed down to make a left turn onto Frankford from Wellington and a guy blew right through the red light. It was one of those heart in your throat moments. Everyday driving in our neighborhoods has become more dangerous than driving in the Indy 500.
For the sake of those you love and those that love you please become more aware of the rules of the road. Drive like your life depends on it. It does.
So I'm sitting here watching Rescue Me via dvr. This is one of my favorite dramatic TV shows.
A few years back NBC had a campaign about MUST SEE TV. I can't think of too many network shows that fall into that category any more. The Good Wife and Gray's Anatomy are the exception (for me) rather than the rule in network TV these days. You would think that with the proliferation of cable networks that the variety of what is available to view would increase but if anything it has gotten worse.
Somebody at CBS discovered a while back that reality TV was cheaper to produce and people would watch it. After that the other networks jumped on the bandwagon. For those of us who do not enjoy reality TV the choice of what to watch has moved from the networks we grew up with to premium cable (think Dexter or True Blood) or networks like TNT or USA. I used to look forward to September and the introduction of the new network shows but so far I haven't really seen anything new that I think will make that MUST WATCH list..
Let me know what you think.
I just took a pole on XFINITY's entertainment screen on the greatest movie love stories. So far comming in the top 3 spots in order are GONE WITH THE WIND, THE NOTEBOOK & CASSABLANCA. Three good ones to be sure but one of my all time favorites AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER was not even one of the choices.
That's all for now................
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday 08/14/2011
A rainy Sunday afternoon. No one expects anything to be done on a day like this.
I was watching the Sunday morning shows earlier and I realized that I'm already fed up with the coverage of the 2012 presidential election and it is still 14 months away. We should be able to limit the time spent on campaigning the way England does. Everybody gets the same amount of time and the people are not hounded into apathy by the process. I'd also like to make a rule that canadates answer the questions they are asked instead of just going off in their own direction to bash someone else. Anybody with me on that?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right. ~H.L. Mencken, 1956
So not much happening today. Eileen has the 3 Henderson kids here this weekend while their parents enjoy a weekend away. She had them over Karen's for a swim yesterday and today they are going to the movies. My sister is an excellent caregiver and I hope the families she works with appreciate her as much as they should.
Posts from facebook today and yesterday:
For those of you who do not watch GRAYS ANATOMY here is a link to Sara Ramirez singing The Story. She is a Tony winning actress who can really belt out a tune.
It has become a favorite of mine since the musical episode on Grays.
I was watching the Sunday morning shows earlier and I realized that I'm already fed up with the coverage of the 2012 presidential election and it is still 14 months away. We should be able to limit the time spent on campaigning the way England does. Everybody gets the same amount of time and the people are not hounded into apathy by the process. I'd also like to make a rule that canadates answer the questions they are asked instead of just going off in their own direction to bash someone else. Anybody with me on that?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right. ~H.L. Mencken, 1956
So not much happening today. Eileen has the 3 Henderson kids here this weekend while their parents enjoy a weekend away. She had them over Karen's for a swim yesterday and today they are going to the movies. My sister is an excellent caregiver and I hope the families she works with appreciate her as much as they should.
Posts from facebook today and yesterday:
Special request to all kids returning to school in the next few days. If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or being bullied because they don't have many friends or because they are shy or not as pretty or not dressed in the most "in" clothes, PLEASE step up. Say hi or at least smile at them in the hallway. You never know what that person might be facing outside of school. Your kindness might just make a BIG difference in someone's life!! ~ Help stop the Bullying...
If you're not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you have marked yourself down, hmmm? It's YOU who tell people what you're worth by what you accept. Get off the clearance rack and get behind the glass where they keep the valuables! Bottom line: VALUE YOURSELF! If you don't, no one else will! I Think you should Re-post if you like. You may help someone get off the CLEARANCE RACK.
"Don't let what you can't do, stop you from doing what you can do."
-John Wooden
-John Wooden
What my paretns taught me:
Religion - "You better pray that comes out of the carpet"
Logic - "Because I said so, that's why"
Irony - "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about"
Wisdom - "When you get to my age you'll understand"
Justice - "One day you'll have kids, I hope they turn out just like you!!"
(Repost if you got the same kind of education from your parents!)......
Religion - "You better pray that comes out of the carpet"
Logic - "Because I said so, that's why"
Irony - "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about"
Wisdom - "When you get to my age you'll understand"
Justice - "One day you'll have kids, I hope they turn out just like you!!"
(Repost if you got the same kind of education from your parents!)......
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. - C.S. Lewis
For those of you who do not watch GRAYS ANATOMY here is a link to Sara Ramirez singing The Story. She is a Tony winning actress who can really belt out a tune.
It has become a favorite of mine since the musical episode on Grays.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Thursday 08/11/2011
My youngest sister has been unsuccessful in posting comments to my blog. She informs me she is getting out her quill to let me know how she really feels. She does have a sense of humor even though she is firmly entrenched in the 20th century. If anyone else is having a problem you can let me know by emailing me at
Don't ask me why but for some reason this afternoon I was thinking about my days at St. Tim's and Friday afternoons with Picture Study and Poetry. I know the first few lines of more poems than I can shake a stick at. The one that comes immediately to mind is A Leak in the Dike by Phoebe Cary. This is the kind of info that would only ever come in handy on a quiz show. Is there anyone else who wishes they could clear the hard drive between their ears of this kind of data?
Has anyone else see the news reports this week on the cure for a type of Leukemia that doctors recently come up with? I read the following after I saw reports on TV:
The rest of the article is at
What these scientist have done is amazing and if the process can be replicated for other types of cancer it would be fantastic!
Chanel 6 is all geared up with the Eagles first pre-season game tonight. My heart and mind is still with the Phillies. I'm not ready for football yet.
My niece Marlie posted this yesterday and I'm passing along.
When you think you're not happy with your life, always think that someone is happy simply because you exist! : )
Don't ask me why but for some reason this afternoon I was thinking about my days at St. Tim's and Friday afternoons with Picture Study and Poetry. I know the first few lines of more poems than I can shake a stick at. The one that comes immediately to mind is A Leak in the Dike by Phoebe Cary. This is the kind of info that would only ever come in handy on a quiz show. Is there anyone else who wishes they could clear the hard drive between their ears of this kind of data?
Has anyone else see the news reports this week on the cure for a type of Leukemia that doctors recently come up with? I read the following after I saw reports on TV:
Scientists are reporting the first clear success with a new approach for treating leukemia — turning the patients' own blood cells into assassins that hunt and destroy their cancer cells.
They've only done it in three patients so far, but the results were striking: Two appear cancer-free up to a year after treatment, and the third patient is improved but still has some cancer. Scientists are already preparing to try the same gene therapy technique for other kinds of cancer.The rest of the article is at
What these scientist have done is amazing and if the process can be replicated for other types of cancer it would be fantastic!
Chanel 6 is all geared up with the Eagles first pre-season game tonight. My heart and mind is still with the Phillies. I'm not ready for football yet.
My niece Marlie posted this yesterday and I'm passing along.
When you think you're not happy with your life, always think that someone is happy simply because you exist! : )
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday 08/10/2011
I didn't know if I was going to post anything today but then I saw a new page on facebook from Joe DeFelice You know you're from Mayfair in Philadelphia if you remember... I went there and sort of got caught up in it. For those of you from the area you might want to check it out. Really reminded me of things that I had forgotten.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years
So we are still waiting for the rugs for the basement. We had a flood a month ago when the hot water heater went on us. The company doing the restoration has been great but getting new rugs has tested our patience. First the rugs we wanted were discontinued by the manufacturer so that set things back and then the installer had a death in the family and is out of the state. With any luck the replacement installer will be here later today and the rugs will be down tonight. I'll let you all know how that works out.
Time Passing..............................The rug guy is here now installing the rugs. It is 7:47 and he's been here a few hours and is almost done. I have got to give credit to a man that is working this lat. I hope he's getting overtime.
Saw this on FB yesterday and am passing on...
Somewhere right now a nurse is getting yelled at for being late with meds, holding their bladder because they don't have time to pee, starving because they missed lunch, being peed on, puked on, pooped on, bled on, and is missing their family while taking care of yours. In the minute it took you to read this, nurses all over the world are making a difference in the lives of others....
Well I just went out and checked the final score on today's Phillies game against the Dodgers and the boys did it again with a 9 - 8 win after being down 6 - 0. It's a good year to be a Phillies fan.
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it. ~Author Unknown
Time Passing..............................The rug guy is here now installing the rugs. It is 7:47 and he's been here a few hours and is almost done. I have got to give credit to a man that is working this lat. I hope he's getting overtime.
Saw this on FB yesterday and am passing on...
Somewhere right now a nurse is getting yelled at for being late with meds, holding their bladder because they don't have time to pee, starving because they missed lunch, being peed on, puked on, pooped on, bled on, and is missing their family while taking care of yours. In the minute it took you to read this, nurses all over the world are making a difference in the lives of others....
Well I just went out and checked the final score on today's Phillies game against the Dodgers and the boys did it again with a 9 - 8 win after being down 6 - 0. It's a good year to be a Phillies fan.
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it. ~Author Unknown
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday 08/08/2011
For some reason I've been thinking about those household chores that I remember my mother doing that don't need to be done anymore.
The one that keeps coming to mind is defrosting the freezer. Those were the days when freezers were a compartment inside the refrigerator and they had a narrow drawer underneath to catch drips. The refrigerator door would be open for hours while pots full of hot water were moved from the sink to the freezer to melt the ice off the surface. Old bathroom towels would be used to mop up melted ice and that little drawer would gingerly be taken from the box and moved carefully to the sink to be emptied without spilling. Thank God for frost free technology.
I also remember that every summer my grandmother would cover her living room furniture with fitted slipcovers in a light floral pattern so they would be more comfortable. When was the last time you knew someone who did that.
And before we all had wall to wall carpeting I remember that the carpet would be turned around yearly so it would wear more evenly and last longer. Who does that anymore?
The other day there was a helicopter shot down in Afghanistan. There were 31 men killed, most of them American military from the elite Navy Seal unit. One of my facebook friends posted the following:
31 lost, 31 unwanted visits, 31 doors receive that dreaded knock, 31 families with shattered hearts, 31 pairs of boots lined up with rifles and dog tags and helmets, 31 comrades remembered and grieved for, 31 funeral services, 31 names on newly made grave markers, 31 empty places at the table, 31 souls who gave all, whose lives leave a void, so let's take 31 seconds to re-post this and pause to reflect on such a sacrifice as 31 gone forever. Pray for the families.
That pretty much says it all.
Well it is truly the summer doldrums. I watch The View and they are now off till September. Even Regis and Kelly are reruns now. I'll be catching up on my cable shows I guess.
I was looking for a Quote of the day and went out to and saw this:
Life is too short to sleep on low thread-count sheets. ~Leah Stussy
This is something I've come to believe the last few years.
Well that about does it for today. Have a good one and sleep soft.
The one that keeps coming to mind is defrosting the freezer. Those were the days when freezers were a compartment inside the refrigerator and they had a narrow drawer underneath to catch drips. The refrigerator door would be open for hours while pots full of hot water were moved from the sink to the freezer to melt the ice off the surface. Old bathroom towels would be used to mop up melted ice and that little drawer would gingerly be taken from the box and moved carefully to the sink to be emptied without spilling. Thank God for frost free technology.
I also remember that every summer my grandmother would cover her living room furniture with fitted slipcovers in a light floral pattern so they would be more comfortable. When was the last time you knew someone who did that.
And before we all had wall to wall carpeting I remember that the carpet would be turned around yearly so it would wear more evenly and last longer. Who does that anymore?
The other day there was a helicopter shot down in Afghanistan. There were 31 men killed, most of them American military from the elite Navy Seal unit. One of my facebook friends posted the following:
31 lost, 31 unwanted visits, 31 doors receive that dreaded knock, 31 families with shattered hearts, 31 pairs of boots lined up with rifles and dog tags and helmets, 31 comrades remembered and grieved for, 31 funeral services, 31 names on newly made grave markers, 31 empty places at the table, 31 souls who gave all, whose lives leave a void, so let's take 31 seconds to re-post this and pause to reflect on such a sacrifice as 31 gone forever. Pray for the families.
That pretty much says it all.
Well it is truly the summer doldrums. I watch The View and they are now off till September. Even Regis and Kelly are reruns now. I'll be catching up on my cable shows I guess.
I was looking for a Quote of the day and went out to and saw this:
Life is too short to sleep on low thread-count sheets. ~Leah Stussy
This is something I've come to believe the last few years.
Well that about does it for today. Have a good one and sleep soft.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sunday 08/07/2011
In going over FB today I found a link to Lisa Scottoline's column talking about taking her 87 year old mom to the movies. If you get a chance take a look. You'll enjoy the laugh.
Speaking of authors...for those of you with Kindles check out Cynn Chadwick's book "Angels and Manners". It was a really good book about 2 women who are forced by circumstance into Section 8 housing. With little in common they become friends and support each other in handling their exes and their kids. They are smart and funny and you'll like their story.
Those of you who have spent any amount of time around me know that I'm often humming or singing a song that has gotten stuck in my head. This morning when I woke up the song was "Make Someone Happy". The end of the song has lyrics that go "make someone happy and you will be happy too". There are worse things we can do. Here is a link to the song as it was used at the end of "Sleepless in Seattle".
People Change. We should accept and appreciate others for who they are because chances are we won't always be happy with the changes we see in those we love.
My Quotes for the day:
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. ~Author Unknown
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
Speaking of authors...for those of you with Kindles check out Cynn Chadwick's book "Angels and Manners". It was a really good book about 2 women who are forced by circumstance into Section 8 housing. With little in common they become friends and support each other in handling their exes and their kids. They are smart and funny and you'll like their story.
Those of you who have spent any amount of time around me know that I'm often humming or singing a song that has gotten stuck in my head. This morning when I woke up the song was "Make Someone Happy". The end of the song has lyrics that go "make someone happy and you will be happy too". There are worse things we can do. Here is a link to the song as it was used at the end of "Sleepless in Seattle".
People Change. We should accept and appreciate others for who they are because chances are we won't always be happy with the changes we see in those we love.
My Quotes for the day:
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. ~Author Unknown
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Saturday 08/06
Just a quiet peaceful Saturday afternoon with nothing much going on.
Have a good day and aim for happiness.
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." ~Abraham Lincoln
Have a good day and aim for happiness.
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." ~Abraham Lincoln
Some things I posted on FB recently...
On 08/05/2011
To be truly happy in this world you need to risk pain and disappointment. The thing is pain and disappointment should not be forced upon you by those who do not agree with or understand your point of view.
My quotes for the day:
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. ~Harvey Fierstein
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
None of us are perfect. We all have flaws and they make us unique. We may be short or tall or fat or thin or need glasses. We may have short or long hair or a tatoo or piercing. Remember that if you don't want others to judge you based on your outward appearance you shouldn't judge others. Just sayin...
Also on 08/04/2011
We have to remember that we all have our own path in this world. It may not be the path our parents would have chosen for us but it is our path and we need to follow it to be at peace in our own hearts and minds.
Here are my quotes of the day:
Minds are like parachutes — they only function when open. — Sir James Dewar
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. — H. Jackson Brown
To be truly happy in this world you need to risk pain and disappointment. The thing is pain and disappointment should not be forced upon you by those who do not agree with or understand your point of view.
My quotes for the day:
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. ~Harvey Fierstein
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
On 08/04/11
"Judge not lest ye be judged" None of us are perfect. We all have flaws and they make us unique. We may be short or tall or fat or thin or need glasses. We may have short or long hair or a tatoo or piercing. Remember that if you don't want others to judge you based on your outward appearance you shouldn't judge others. Just sayin...
Also on 08/04/2011
We have to remember that we all have our own path in this world. It may not be the path our parents would have chosen for us but it is our path and we need to follow it to be at peace in our own hearts and minds.
Here are my quotes of the day:
Minds are like parachutes — they only function when open. — Sir James Dewar
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. — H. Jackson Brown
Here I am.
Wow...I created a Blog.
There are a lot of things that I go to post on Face Book and I run out of space. I thought about in and figured this may be a solution to my problem.
I plan on using this as a spot where I can post my thoughts and maybe sort of a diary.
If you're reading this please feel free to add comments or information.
There are a lot of things that I go to post on Face Book and I run out of space. I thought about in and figured this may be a solution to my problem.
I plan on using this as a spot where I can post my thoughts and maybe sort of a diary.
If you're reading this please feel free to add comments or information.
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