This is what I think of as the beginning of the year. Children and parents are getting ready for school to begin again and for the most part vacations are over and new projects are on the drawing board. The summer is winding down and we are looking forward to changing our wardrobes and turning off our air conditioners for a well deserved rest. The seasons will change and Halloween and Christmas decorations will begin to make their way into the stores.
Here are some quotes regarding the big event of the month... The return of children to school!
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. ~Edward Everett
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. ~Edward Everett
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams
I read something recently and it concerns how a parent is perceived by their child to view the fact of the adult child's homosexuality. This may or may not be an issue that you or someone in your life has had to deal with but I thought I would share this because I find it to be so insightful:
“Parents of gay children lose their hope of a normal life for their children. Or at least what they perceive as a normal life for their children. … Parents are ashamed to admit they are ashamed. It tarnishes them, too. They do lose a child to homosexuality. But you need to understand that children lose their parents through their own shame. We run away because we have disappointed the hell out of you. We are perfect until it all comes out, and then it’s a godforsaken mess.”
so today is labor day..thank God.the summer flew by and all the kids will be back in school..the new shows will start..everything i like will be cancelled in 2 wks,..and will be replaced with some new reality crap..which leads me back to labor day..hope everyone one who is celebrating today understands what this day is all about..not just cookouts but the people who work in this country..granted that num. has dwindled in the past few yrs. but not because people don't want to work but there are no jobs to be had. even the min.wage jobs are few and far between, there are being taken by adults who can't find work,not just teens. how anyone can support a family or even just 1 person on these wages is beyond on this labor day i think of how lucky i am ..and how if it was not for UNIONS i don't know what my life would be like.which leads me back to reality crap..the only reason for the plethora of this type of programming is that you don't have to pay people with no talent as much as you would an actual try not to watch this crap and maybe we could actually have another season of MUST SEE TV! hope everyone has a wonderful day!