Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday 09/05/2011 LABOR DAY

     It is Labor Day 2011. This is a day set aside each year to recognize and honor workers and the labor movement for their handwork, dedication and their contribution to economic and social growth and development.
     Now if that doesn't impact your life think about your grandparents or your great-grandparents and how they worked six or seven days a week for a wage that we would laugh at today. Think about the men and women who died because of unfair and dangerous work conditions.
     Thank your lucky stars that you can picnic or shop or just relax today because of those who have gone before you.
     Quote for the day: 
Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow. ~Douglas Pagels, These Are the Gifts I'd Like to Give to You

     My sister Karen had these thoughts to share on the day:
so today is labor day..thank God.the summer flew by and all the kids will be back in school..the new shows will start..everything i like will be cancelled in 2 wks,..and will be replaced with some new reality crap..which leads me back to labor day..hope everyone one who is celebrating today understands what this day is all about..not just cookouts but the people who work in this country..granted that num. has dwindled in the past few yrs. but not because people don't want to work but there are no jobs to be had. even the min.wage jobs are few and far between, there are being taken by adults who can't find work,not just teens. how anyone can support a family or even just 1 person on these wages is beyond on this labor day i think of how lucky i am ..and how if it was not for UNIONS i don't know what my life would be like.which leads me back to reality crap..the only reason for the plethora of this type of programming is that you don't have to pay people with no talent as much as you would an actual try not to watch this crap and maybe we could actually have another season of MUST SEE TV! hope everyone has a wonderful day! 
     Her comments made me think of a story about Mike Rowe that was on SUNDAY MORNING yesterday. He's the guy who does DIRTY JOBS on the Discovery Network as well as commercials for Ford and paper towels. Anyway he has done a lot of jobs most of us would find repugnant in the course of his show. He pointed out that there are a lot of jobs in this country for skilled labor. People will always need plumbers, electricians and carpenters. We will always need people who farm and cook and sew. We have to realize that not everyone is cut out to go to college and work in an office or at some nice white collar job. We need to celebrate the person we call in the middle of the night when we can't fix something for ourselves. Think about all the jobs you would never want to do and then wonder where the person who will do that job in the future is going to come from. 

     I put a song link on facebook a few minutes ago. It's for Bette Midler doing SISTERS with Linda Ronstadt. It is one of the songs on Bette's album of Rosemary Clooney songs. The song is on youtube at Take a moment and listen to it. It is sure to cheer you up. I have this song as a ringtone on my phone for my beautiful sisters.    

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