I remember...
… that in the summer in the heat of the afternoon my mom made us come in for a rest and cool down. We would have a bath and change our clothes before we went out to play after dinner.
… that my father would not let us wear sneakers because they were bad for your feet. And we were not allowed to wear denim because dungarees were for poor kids and troublemakers.
… looking at the sky when a plane went over and being excited when a jet went over because they were so rare.
Quote for the day:
Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: you find the present tense, but the past perfect! ~Owens Lee Pomeroy
For those of you who do not do facebook I'm giving you this site on youtube to see Fred Astaire and Eleanor dance what is probably the best tap routine by a couple that was ever filmed.
The first time I saw this number was when I went to see THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT back in the summer of 1974. I saw it 3 times at the movies then I got the tape and now I have it on DVD. If you enjoy this half as much as I did it will have been 2 minutes and 46 seconds well spent.
this is the last time i ever write on this thing...if it won'T POST THIS I'm going back to soup cans and a string....
ReplyDeletenow that my words can be read..let me say that i was with maf the 1st time she saw thats entertainment..i was very pregnant with joanne and the day spent with maf was a highlight of my life then. thank you to my wonderful sister who helped me escape my life as it was then and who is responsible for my love of books,movies,trivia,and all the other mundane things that get stuck in my head.