Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday 08/21/2011

From Friday:  
Another work week has come and gone and I've got another case of the blahs after 2 consecutive days of losses on Wall Street. 
I'm thoroughly disgusted with the folks in Washington who could not swallow their pride and come to a meeting of the minds on the budget back in May or June and instead caused doubt and uncertainty that now will wind up costing us precious savings we worked years for. 
If you care too get in touch with your congress person and let your feelings be known.

Earlier today I watched CBS Sunday Morning. Week in and week out this program is entertaining and educational. It presents news along with segments on movies, music, art, history, politics and nature. What more can you wish for from a network TV show? 
This morning there was a commentary by Ben Stein who was taking Rick Perry, the newest GOP contender for the presidency, to task for saying that Ben Bernanke is treasonous. Mr. Stein was pointing out that the steps Mr. Bernanke has been taking to help our financial position are anything but treasonous. I bring this up here only to point out that this is not the criticism of a Democrat taking a member of the loyal opposition to task but a member of the candidate's own party. Here is a link to the CBS page with the video and text. Be warned that should you choose the video you need to watch a commercial as well.

Last week the movie THE HELP opened countrywide. I don't think that it came in first in the box office last weekend but it is kicking butt this weekend. If the movie is close to the book it should be excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie. It addresses a period of our history that many of Americans either don't know about or don't want to know about. I'm 62 and I remember watching the nightly news that had scenes of people being attacked by dogs and fire hoses because of the color of their skin. Read the book or watch the movie and pass along the lesson that "all men are created equal". It couldn't hurt.

Just for some fun here is a link to Petulia Clark singing DOWNTOWN where we could forget all or troubles and cares. Take a moment and enjoy a great singer doing one of her biggest hits.   

1 comment:

  1. i would love to forget all my troubles and forget all my cares and go downtown....back in the day my friends and i thought nothing of getting on the el or taking a bus to visit my dad on 2 st. or going even further to see my grandmom...its a sad state of affairs when you think twice about heading to phila.the flash mobs are giving the city a bad rep.and as much as i would love to place all the blame on the kids i think the parents have more to answer for. they should pay attention to what they see on tv..i'm sure they see kids they know..remember when everybody watched all the kids ..if your parents did'nt catch could count on at least 1 or 2 or 5 neighbors to tell on all comes down to RESPECT for yourself and others..and if you have to hit your kid upside the head or ground them or take away all their access to social media DO IT! NO KID EVER DIED FROM LACK OF FACEBOOK!!!!!
