Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday 11/20/2011

A big hello to anyone who actually clicks on the link to read this.

Today is my brother's 60th birthday. Cards were sent and we, his sisters, took him out to dinner to celebrate last weekend. Eileen even took a ride and took him out to lunch today. He is a low key kind of guy and after his kids & family his interests in life are the Civil War and history in general. I do remember that the day he was born I was in center city with my grandmother and when we got on the bus at 2nd and Market to go back to her house I announced to the bus driver that I had a new baby brother. That is my earliest memory and to this day I can remember what the inside of that bus looked like.

This Thursday is Thanksgiving. As things stand now we won't be having a lot of company. My brother and his son will be here for dinner and Eileen and Bill will be doing the cooking. Turkey with the fixin's and that will incluse creamed onions which is a family favorite reserved for Thanksgiving only. Those small white onions are a bitch to peel but taste so good. They just aren't the same if you use the canned.

Earlier this week I posted the following and am repeating it here in case you missed it:
You've got to love facebook and the cyber universe in general for the world that has been opened to us. We can be in touch every day with people we may not have seen in years. We can share a laugh or a picture or a song that will bring a smile to someone thousands of miles away. We can meet people who enjoy the same pastimes we do and are on the other side of the earth. You can reach out to an author or musician or artist that you admire and let them know what their work has meant to you. But in the words of Sgt. Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues "be careful out there".     

I also saw R.E. Bradshaw's blog about things her mother says. You can find it at
Here is a small sample:
There are the threatening ones, because we were hellions. "I'll snatch a knot in you." "My God, I hope you have two just like you." "Don't let your mouth write out a check your ass can't pay for." "I will beat you within an inch of your life" (That was an idle threat, but it worked.) And last but not least, another favorite, "Y'all are driving me crazy. You're going to have to come peek at me through the bars on Sunday." There was the constant threat that we would drive her to the Sanatorium.

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