There are all kinds of people you will come across in this world and if you are lucky enough to have one or two you can call a friend for life you are blessed.
There is the rare friend who is also family. They would love you even if they didn't have to and you'll call them to chat without needing to discuss family business.
We work with people and we spend more time with them than we do our families and they understand the day to day us often better than our families do because they are more aware of the events and pressures we experience while at work. If we get along with these colleagues we think of them as friends. Sometimes these relationships end when you move on and sometimes they don't. Whatever happens consider yourself blessed to have had these folks in your life.
We have others who may be neighbors or acquaintances that we become very tight with for a period of time when one can offer the other support or assistance through a life crisis. Once the crisis is over the relationship may fade or dissolve completely for no apparent reason. It doesn't mean that relationship was not valid. It just means that it has run it's course.
And as to those lifelong friends... they are indeed the family of your heart. You want to share your happiness and tears with them. They know you better than you know yourself. You can call them at 3:00 am and share a problem. They won't hang up on you. They will travel thousands of miles to share a life event. They know your history and you don't have to explain the background of a situation to them because they already know it. They don't make fun of your opinions even if they don't agree with them. They are the people you want to clear your computer history if you die. You can trust them with pin numbers and passwords. They will come and sit while you are in the hospital just so you won't be lonely. You can be in a room with them and not have to talk because you are both at the point where silence is as companionable as conversation. You can call them after not talking for months and pick up as though you spoke yesterday. They love you with no questions asked and you trust them with not only your dreams but your disappointments as well.
You're lucky if you have a single friend like that in your life and if you have more than one such friend consider your life a miracle.
I'm a very lucky person to have remarkable women as my friends and they know who they are.

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