It is a lazy Sunday afternoon and I've been on the laptop for a while now. I surfed around facebook, played some games, and learned to clear my cache and flush the DNS on my computer. (Thank heaven for Google!)
The TV is on in the background and I'm listening to my latest CD's here on the computer via earphones. I have the McGuire Sisters "Greatest Hits" and Doris Day's "My Heart". So I like the music of the 50's and early 60's. It's when I was growing up and I like it. Sue me! (HA!) I've also discovered Spotify recently and have a few playlists there. One for Broadway, one for my favorite female singers and one for country.
Something new this week...I got a haircut the other day (very short even for me) and made the decision to let the gray/white grow out. I started coloring my hair when I was forty and I want to see if I now have the white hair my mother always wished for. If it gets too wiry I can always go back to coloring. I figured I'm retired now and why the heck not.
My rant for the week...I've been reading a lot lately about marriage equality. It is my personal belief that if a same sex couple wants to marry they should not be prevented from doing so. It has also been pointed out that this is a civil contract and that the religious aspect is a "celebration". I was raised a Roman Catholic. I was taught that Matrimony is a sacrament. I was also taught that this is the only sacrament not officiated by the church. In Matrimony the church, in the person of a priest or deacon, serves only to witness the sacrament that the parties confer upon each other. That being said you have to believe that any couple, no matter their gender, may confer that sacrament upon each other if they believe that it is indeed what they are doing. The folks in Rome or the local diocese may not recognize it but that does not take away the grace of the sacrament. Here is the other side of the coin...if you have a sacramental marriage the bond may not be broken if you just decide you don't want to be together anymore or someone better comes along. This is just my 2 cents on the issue. (And when did the cents sign disappear from keyboards?)
Tonight, four weeks from the Oscars, we have the Screen Actors Guild Awards to watch. The thing I love about this ward is that actors are voting for actors and both TV and movies are represented. I'm looking forward to seeing this and it will be shown on TNT and TBS. I hope THE HELP wins. It was a fantastic movie.
I hope that you all have a great week. May your troubles be small and your graces be many.
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